ESR3 Francesco Talenti
Francesco Rinaldo Talenti obtained his master degree from the flemish university of Brussels, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), graduating in Physics and Astronomy in July 2019. Here he discovered the fascinating field of nonlinear and quantum optics, finding interest in the several applications attainable from the state of the art research, as well as in the rich physics behind the observable phenomena. During his internship he joined the INO Institute of Pozzuoli, close to Naples, where he studied the locking technique and the thermal effects of an optical cavity for frequency comb. Francesco carried out his thesis at the B-phot team of the applied physics and photonics group, at the faculty of engineering of the VUB. Here he studied the spectral broadening of a chirped pulse propagating through nonlinear waveguides, considering also the case of a graphene top lay.