Dr. Fabrice Raineri

Dr. Fabrice Raineri

Dr. Fabrice RAINERI has been an associate professor (maître de conférence) at C2C-CNRS since 2005, while teaching at Paris Denis Diderot University. His PhD work (2001-04) was on nonlinear Photonic crystals, his postdoc work was on CW Optical Parametric Oscillators at ICFO (Barcelona, 2005). His current research interests are focused on the investigation of optical nonlinear interactions within semiconductor micro/nanostructures and their exploitation for the achievement of optical functionalities useful for data processing. Recently, he led his work towards integrated nanophotonics with a specific effort on hybrid III-V semiconductors on Silicon structures.He has participated and worked on several national, bilateral PICS European projects, COST actions and European FP7 (ICT-HISTORIC, ICT-COPERNICUS, IP-PHOXTROT) and H2020 (STREAMS) projects
He has published more than 58 articles in peer reviewed journals, participated in many conferences (> 20 invited talk, conference co-chair of CLEO focus at ECOC2014, technical program committee CLEO Europe 2015, CLEO PR2013,… ).