Dr. Anna Lena Giesecke
Dr. Anna Lena Giesecke obtained a diploma from the institute of quantum optics at the Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany and her doctoral degree in physics from Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. She joined AMO GmbH in 2013 and is head of the Nanophotonics group since 2014. Her research experiences are development of sophisticated laser sources (Terawatt-femtosecond) in the near infrared wavelength range, integrated silicon photonics as well as graphene optoelectronics. She worked successfully in several European projects (PhoxTrot, Mirage, GAIA, Plasmofab, Synchronics Graphene Flagship…) and in national funded research projects. She is author or co-author of several publications in the field of silicon photonics, graphene optoelectronics and laser plasma interaction.